Sardis Methodist Church – 1960 to 1967


The Sardis Methodist Church and the Holiday Park Evangelical United Brethren Church united on Worldwide Communion Sunday, October 1, 1967 with a joint service at the Holiday Park Church.



Holiday Park Evangelical United Brethren Church – 1961 to 1967


This church was now officially called the Holiday Park United Methodist Church. The beginning years were a challenge to the pastors, the congregation and the lay members of the church. New governing bodies of the church from the ‘Board’ to the appointing of new committees to handle the ‘business’ and ministry of the church had to be developed and organized.

The all-important educational curriculum to be used throughout all aspects of the ‘new’ church required much research and implementation.


Holiday Parked Methodist Church – 1967 to Present

That same process is in effect today. The dedication and foresight of the entire congregation must be recognized for this outstanding achievement…. two churches in union with Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.