HOLIDAY PARK UNITED METHODIST CHURCH seeks to develop disciples for Christ through worship, personal connection, nurture, outreach, evangelism, and maturing in holiness through the power and presence of God. Our hope is to encourage and provide support for every individual interested in establishing and maturing in a deep connection with Jesus. This pathway to discipleship, is a lifelong journey of being transformed into a true disciple of Jesus Christ who embodies God’s great transforming love. God’s give of love and grace is offered to everyone; and we welcome you to participate in our life together as Christ-followers.

Please explore our website and FB pages or contact us via email or at 724-327-6552 if you have questions or want additional information about any of our ministries or how you can take your next step in your relationship with Jesus.

There are opportunities each year to become a member of our congregation during one of our worship gatherings.

Baptism and membership

You can become a member of the body of Christ, the church, by being baptized into it or by reaffirming your baptism. Baptism is a ritual made up of questions and promises, prayer, and washing. In this church the washing is accomplished by sprinkling. Youth and adults go through a time of preparation and instruction before they are baptized. In the case of infants and children, the parents receive instruction. In this way they are helped to know God, the meaning of being “members of the body,” and what it is they are committing themselves to.

What happens at baptism?

Baptism initiates a covenant of relationship between God and the baptized person and between the church and the person. When you are baptized or affirm your baptism, the congregation enacts God’s grace toward you and welcomes you into the community of faith. As a response to God’s gracious initiative, you will be asked to pledge your loyalty to the life and ministries of The United Methodist Church and to promise to uphold the local church with your prayers, presence, gifts and service. As a baptized Christian, you will be part of the universal church and part of a particular community of Christians where you are known and watched over in love.



Please call and talk with Pastor Patricia Nelson {(724) 327-6552} about the journey of becoming a Christian and a member of the HPUMC. Pastor Nelson will be able to answer your questions and help you discern what next steps are best for you to take.